
MGI’s numbers speak to our success.

Since the company’s inception in 1978 we have recruited more than 4 million new members for hundreds of organizations resulting in billions of dollars in lifetime revenue.

Our clientele represent every conceivable field—education, social services, human resources, law, engineering, science, medicine, health care—and include both trade and individual member organizations.

Using time-tested best practices, innovative new approaches, and continual testing, we are constantly building on our findings and experiences to offer even better solutions. With more than 40 staff professionals, MGI brings incomparable expertise to every aspect of membership marketing: direct response, research, data analytics, data management, creative, production management, media services, and account management and servicing.

MGI is also backed by the strength, assets, and stability of the privately-held Taylor Corporation. With more than 85 sister companies working in advanced technology, marketing, and printing, we are able to readily tap additional business talent and capital resources.

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